Flow—a critically acclaimed animated movie about a cat’s survival during a massive flood—arrives on digital streaming this week. Flow opened in theaters in limited release in theaters on Nov.
"Dogs are not four-footed people in fur coats," Coren said. The research on domestic cat intelligence is less plentiful, but some studies have probed the cognitive abilities of cats. "We might ...
Loading Tone and context help to separate that other chestnut pair of irony and sarcasm. Struggling to complete a marathon, say, then calling the ordeal a piece of cake? Irony. Or is that sarcasm?
Alabama football and its fans felt slighted after not making the College Football Playoff as a 9-3 SEC team, despite ugly losses to Oklahoma and Vanderbilt during the season. Well, after the ...
Cats are every bit as varied as humans are: you won't find a cat with the exact same personality twice, it's just impossible. It's often hard to get two similar cats under the same roof, and that can ...
In a small, indistinct house in Jakarta's southern districts, a woman in full scrubs is silently and efficiently desexing an anaesthetised cat. Next to the table, another four cats wearing nappies ...
One of the most fun aspects of celebrity culture has been watching the amazingly talented actress Lupita Nyong'o transform from self-proclaimed gatophobe to absolutely adoring cat mom. Ever since ...
Every decade or so, the NBA changes the players who are the faces of the league. Right now, the NBA is currently in one such transition. For the last 10 or 15 years, the likes of LeBron James ...
"Please note that the items on this list are not necessarily eloquent or admirable quotations, rather they have been picked because they are famous or important or particularly revealing of the ...