Mr. JAMES BROIL, a farmer, who resides about even miles from the city, on the river road, has for some time past been engaged extensively on raising honey bees. and with almost unprecedented success.
Whereas in Asia when the much larger hornet enters a hive, eastern honey bees can surround it and effectively cook it (and themselves) to death by raising their own body temperatures - European ...
The production of honey requires bees and flowers, and a number of issues have caused a decline in both. An acceptable bee mortality rate for beekeepers over the winter is 21%, but in recent years ...
“In Hong Kong, the [honey] harvest season lasts only about eight weeks in a year. However, we take good care of the bees throughout the remaining time,” Wong said, adding that raising bees ...
To raise awareness of the importance of ... These included more efficient handling of the bees and techniques for extracting honey. Desertification and land degradation are major environmental ...
New research shows flies can tolerate temperatures 2.3°C lower than bees before losing motor function, making them particularly vulnerable to climate change and raising concerns about their cruci ...
marking a shift in urban agriculture regulations and allowing residents to raise certain animals for fresh food production, including eggs and honey, within city limits. Advocates see the new ...