You can buy had soap in bulk and just refill these babies instead of constantly rebuying plastic hand soap dispensers. We ...
Pipe fences are simple and utilitarian, but they lend themselves perfectly to a number of appealing ideas that could upgrade ...
【国内 PVC 市场动态】国内 PVC 粉市场价格略偏强整理,贸易商基差报盘多数走强,点价成交部分有价格优势。但下游采购积极性不高,现货成交一般。5 型电石料,华东主流现汇自提 4870 - 4980 元/吨,华南主流现汇自提 4980 - 5120 ...
Looking to entertain the kids outdoors? Get everyone excited for outdoor time this winter with these Vermonter-approved snow ...
The new tube park at Afton Alps is open for the season. The bubbly Tube Park opened on Dec. 26 at 10 a.m. after months of teasing tubing's return at the ski resort. Afton Alps opened select ski hills ...
Dr. Stephanie Widmer explains potential hazards of single-use plastic. Safety concerns have loomed over microplastics, be it from your cutting board while prepping food to cook at home or items ...
Your black plastic kitchen utensils aren't so toxic after all: But you should still toss them, group says by Karen Garcia ...
A recent study that recommended toxic chemicals in black plastic products be immediately thrown away included a math error that significantly overstated the risks of ...
There might be a simpler way to combat the global plastics use problem. Modern society has has a big problem when it comes to plastic -- and it's contributing heavily to pollution and climate change.
OXFORD, England — When you think of plastic, you might picture flimsy shopping bags or disposable water bottles. But there’s a special type of plastic that’s so tough it can stop bullets, replace worn ...