When Earth is on the verge of an alien invasion, five teenagers, who are infused with superhuman abilities, must harness their newfound powers to battle this threat - as the Power Rangers. A team of ...
A team of unlikely personalities join forces to help save the Earth from the scheming Mesogog, a dinosaur-like villain who wishes to destroy humankind.
When the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers emerged as many Americans' first exposure to the popular Super Sentai series, it was hard ... for the classic, campy TV show. At one point there's even ...
Even after Amy Jo Johnson stepped away from the series, Kimberly's legacy lives on, making her a fan favorite—especially with her comeback in the Power Rangers: Once & Always special.
It's in Power Rangers Cosmic Fury, however, that many fans believe Izzy’s character really comes to life, with her flaws making her even more relatable. Her protective nature toward Fern reveals ...