博士去研究了一下,周杰伦从石原社长手中获得的那张宝可梦卡牌是“石原GX”,上面有石原社长的画像,以及一颗大师球和洛托姆。据悉这张宝可梦卡是石原恒和在60岁大寿时作为纪念、其亲笔签名后赠与社员(极少数人得到)的卡片,除了能力出众之外,很是稀有!曾经有 ...
《宝可梦TCG口袋版》(Pokémon TCG)显然取得了成功的首发,这可能并没有让人感到意外。而这次成功的间接成果是,DeNA的财政年度财务状况得到了改善。 这家曾以《宝可梦大师》、《火焰之纹章:英雄》、《动物森友会: ...
Pokémon TCG Pocket is out for millions of gamers to start building their digital card collection. While the mobile card game follows the general rules of the real-life Pokémon game, it can also ...
Pokemon TCG Pocket launched an Electric-Type mass outbreak, offering increased chances to collect specific cards. Players can obtain Electric-Type Pokemon cards, like Zapdos and Pikachu ...
The Pokemon TCG Pocket Mythical Island Emblem event is a limited-time event in which players can win special emblems for their profile by beating other players in battles. To participate in the ...
Pokemon Trading Card Game Pocket is a game that sees mobile players collecting cards based on the many different monsters of the franchise, which they can choose to use for battle or simply to ...
The holidays are here, and Pokémon TCG Pocket is celebrating by adding new events to the game. This time, we’ve got our second Mass Outbreak event, following on from the previous Fire Pokémon ...
He previously worked at Kotaku. The Pokémon TCG Pocket meta has become clear, now that the mobile card game has officially drained the battery life of every smartphone this side of Kanto.