The Coimbatore Forest Division, as part of the Tamil Nadu Chief Minister’s Green Tamil Nadu Mission, will plant 50,000 palm seeds across forest areas, riverbanks, and water bodies in the State ...
Or have you envisioned a perfectly pruned lemon tree finding a home in your sunny living room? You might assume your first stop should be the local nursery (and, yes, that might be the easy route!), ...
The Garden Club of Palm Beach was joined by 10 students from three local elementary schools Thursday as they celebrated Florida’s Arbor Day with a tree-planting event at Bradley Park.
The next big boom in palm tree planting came prior to the 1932 Olympics, and in the following years, developers continued to rely heavily on the palm tree look to sell land. In the 1950s ...
If you are looking for kitchen and vegetable garden ideas that are both fun and easy, consider growing an avocado tree from seed, otherwise known as the avocado stone or pit that is found within ...
The Garden Club of Palm Beach will again celebrate Florida’s Arbor Day alongside local elementary students, with educational school events culminating in the planting of a gumbo limbo tree at ...