“The Windsor Enigma” was the name given to an acrostic puzzle said to have been written by Queen Victoria for her children. Unfortunately, the puzzle is a little too of its time to be readily ...
We usually start out the new year with healthy food choice columns, but the cold weather dishes prevailed this time around. After all, January is National Soup Month, and the first couple of weeks of ...
And every recipe, whether it’s from the 1930s ... If we’re to assume that pork and sauerkraut hails from an old-timey Pennsylvania Dutch tradition, would the meat not have been cooked outside?
In 1820, a Yorkshire printer named James Kendrew produced a children’s illustrated chapbook (a small pamphlet-like publication) containing several short poems about different types of birds and ...
In the spirit of this old-timey recipe, I use natural peanut butter, since that’s what was available during the 1930s. I’ve also used smooth or crunchy, and you can sub in other nut butters ...