What's great about the Samsung 990 Evo SSD? We were able to review this SSD back when it first came out and loved that it was ...
Today's Amazon 'Deals of the Day' also include the Amazon Fire HD 10 Kids Pro tablet for over 25% off and the TP-Link Archer ...
MSI's latest gaming handheld is now available to pre-order in the UK, ahead of its February release date in this region.
其实PCIe 5.0接口早在2021年就随Intel的第12代酷睿进入消费级市场,但发布将近两年时间内都没有对应的可用产品,直到2023年初跳票多时使用群联E26主控的PCIe 5.0 ...
Banana Pi BPI-RV2 开源网关是⼀款基于矽昌SF2H8898 SoC的设备,1 × 2.5 G WAN⽹络接⼝、5 个千兆LAN ⽹络 ...
随着新一代处理器及芯片组对PCIe 5.0 SSD的优化支持,更具性价比、性能更强的PCIe 5.0 SSD新品也陆续上市。今日编辑就拿到了铠侠EXCERIA PLUS G4(下文简称铠侠VD10)2TB容量款,一起来看看它的表现。
在前不久结束的CES 2025展会上,佰维等各大存储品牌相继发布新一代PCIe 5.0 SSD固态硬盘,宣告着Gen5时代真正来临。据悉,作为高端电竞存储品牌的宏碁掠夺者存储也即将发布其2025年度旗舰PCIe5.0固态硬盘——GM9000「神舆」。