As of the writing of this, July 2020, the R7000's web interface does not let you downgrade its firmware, or run 3rd party firmware on it. Older versions of the R7000 ...
这款联想拯救者 R7000游戏本搭载了AMD锐龙7 8745H处理器,性能强劲。其内置的Radeon 780M核显可以带来出色的游戏画面和流畅度体验。同时,搭配的RTX4050 6G笔记本GPU可以实现125W性能释放,算力194TOPS。 在散热方面,该款电脑使用了4热管双风扇多区进风系统的霜刃 ...
【全新升级 联想拯救者 R7000游戏本】现在购买这款联想拯救者 R7000游戏本,可以享受满200元减20元的优惠券,同时参与国家补贴活动后还可以享受立减1329.1元的优惠。如果你是PLUS会员,还可以享受立减33.49元的优惠。最终实付价格仅为5316.41元,非常划算! 该款 ...
With the ability to blast data across a room or home, Netgear’s Nighthawk RS600 has the power and price tag to put Wi-Fi where it needs to be. Configured with the full stack of Wi-Fi 7 advances ...