During their incredible journey across the Amazon, Will Smith’s team was thrilled to find this enormous Northern Green Anaconda, which measures around seven meters long and weighs more than 200 kilos!
By Ifham Nizam In an awe-inspiring achievement that highlights the beauty of the natural world, Sri Lankan wildlife photographer Tharindu Dilshan Sendanayake recently clichéd the Grand Prize at the ...
Nestled in the thorny shrubs of the dry forests of Veracruz in the Gulf of Mexico, a small bird lights a spark for a promising future. After flying under scientists’ radar for many years, the Mexican ...
A pair of breeding leopards (Dewane male and Hlab'nkunzi Female) pairing.Leopards can mate in the region of 90 - 100 times per day over a 3 - 4 day period!Filmed in the Sabi Sand Wildtuin, Greater ...
Chris Packham is best known for being a presenter on the BBC's nature coverage, having been a face of Springwatch, Autumnwatch and Winterwatch for more than 10 years ...