On January 21, 2025, during Chitra Nakshatra under Mars, Tvastar, the celestial creator, is worshipped for his power of ...
CIA declassified a book titled The Adam and Eve Story, revealing Chan Thomas's controversial theories on ancient cataclysms.
Despite his status in the industry, David Lynch still struggled to get projects funded and produced, such as these unmade ...
It was important in Cold War America to prove that it was a Christian nation, so a new story was added to the American ...
Directed by Michael Polish. Starring Scott Eastwood, Sylvester Stallone, Willa Fitzgerald, Mike Colter, D.W. Moffett, Isis Valverde, Anton Narinskiy, Patrick Millin, Joel Cohen, Bailey Edwards, ...
David Lynch transformed the landscape of cinema with films like “Blue Velvet” and “Mulholland Drive,” and changed the ...
Dark Horse Nights! This new series of staged readings will present works that provide additional insights and conversation to ...