"It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia" is not only the longest-running comedy series of all time, it's still going strong. It focuses on a group of narcissistic and sociopathic friends who run an Irish ...
From the cast to the release date, here's everything to know about Christopher Nolan's 'The Odyssey' Christopher Nolan is tackling his next big blockbuster with an iconic tale: Homer's The Odyssey. On ...
The speculation over Christopher Nolan’s next movie has come to an end. Universal revealed Monday that Nolan will adapt The Odyssey, the epic poem from Homer that follows Odysseus’ journey ...
By Aaron Couch Film Editor The speculation over Christopher Nolan’s next movie has come to an end. Universal revealed Monday that Nolan will adapt The Odyssey, the epic poem from Homer that ...
After his death, he was escorted by three gods of death to the underworld. Accept the story of the trial of the seven great Yan Jun. The sequel "Walk with God: The Final Judgment" was filmed back ...