Migraine is a neurological condition. The hallmark symptom of migraine is an intense headache, often described as pounding or throbbing. It’s usually accompanied by other symptoms like nausea ...
You can turn to relaxation techniques during an at-home treatment plan as modes for pain reduction. Although scents and perfumes can be migraine triggers in themselves, naturally occurring ...
Sinus pain occurs in the nose, cavity, cheekbones and front side of the forehead. If there is a pain in the head and one side of the face, then understand that you have migraine. Cluster headache ...
Certain chiropractic techniques are thought to help ease chronic headaches and migraines. By realigning the spine, chiropractors can take pressure off nerves and blood vessels, providing relief from ...
There are four phases of a migraine attack, depending on the severity and type of migraine. Prodrome: A few hours to days, early signs may include irritability, depression, food cravings, light and ...
Triptans are highly effective for short-term treatment of acute migraine ... 5–20 min and last for less than 60 min. Headache with the features of migraine without aura usually follows the ...