Although manual transmissions have become rarer, some automatics allow you to turn your car into a stick shift by switching to Manual or Sport mode. Many automatic shifters feature a pair of plus ...
A manual transmission is one with a stick for shifting gears and a third pedal for operating a clutch. Many automatic transmissions now enable manual shifting, and one style is even known as an ...
In our tests, we've found that in some cars a manual transmission can improve gas mileage by a significant 2 to 5 mpg, compared with an automatic, and can cut a car's price by $800 to $1,200.
But unlike an AMT gearbox, where there is a slight lag when the gearbox automatically shifts gears, that lag can be controlled by the driver in iMT; in fact, just like in a manual gearbox ...
By doing so, the transmission allows you to benefit from more of your car's power, rotating the wheels more quickly. Modern transmissions come in two types: manual and automatic. Automatic ...
It’s a sad fact that the manual transmission, while unlikely to go fully extinct anytime soon, is becoming increasingly rare. Driving culture is changing and so are driving habits; cars are also ...