Madagascar is an animated film series produced by DreamWorks Animation. Voices of Ben Stiller, Jada Pinkett Smith, Chris Rock and David Schwimmer are featured in the films. The plot follows the ...
Ben Stiller has returned to making movies, but the star's latest has earned him divisive results. The actor has been an ...
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This article originally ran in September and has been updated with Stiller’s latest film, Nutcrackers, now streaming on Hulu. Then there is the “real” Ben Stiller, the actor-producer-writer ...
the voice behind Alex in Madagascar reveals that working with kids, animals and David Gorden – the director - brought him some memorable and fun moments. The Ben Stiller Show actor and The Curse ...
Alex (Ben Stiller), Marty (Chris Rock), Gloria (Jada-Pinkett Smith) and Melman (David Schwimmer) are back and still very much in Africa, waiting on the scene-stealing Penguins to return with an ...
SZA has enlisted the help of Ben Stiller in the new music video for her song "Drive." The official video arrived ahead of the R&B singer's highly anticipated release of her deluxe album Lana ...
Tom Cruise's love makes Ben Stiller cut short his honeymoon Tom Cruise’s love once made Ben Stiller cut short his honeymoon trip with wife Christine Taylor. The incident occurred when Stiller ...
Ben Stiller, a household name in the world of comedy and filmmaking ... The show has been created by Dan Harmon and Alex Rubens serves as the showrunner for the upcoming seasons. Stiller had a cameo ...
Ben Stiller had a blast filming the "top secret" sequel to Happy Gilmore — and it doesn't sound as if his character has gotten any nicer. In November, fans learned that he will appear again as ...
Ben Stiller is looking back at Zoolander 2 and still doesn’t understand why it didn’t match the first film’s success. In an appearance on Hot Ones on December 5, Stiller opened up about the ...