In a groundbreaking medical achievement in the UK, a 32-year-old woman from Manchester has undergone the country's first liver transplant for advanced bowel cancer. Bianca Perea was diagnosed with ...
The American Gastroenterology Association (AGA) issued a new clinical guideline recommending antiviral drugs for patients at ...
The first patient in the UK with advanced bowel cancer to receive a liver transplant after the disease spread to it has said ...
Ms Perea was given the shocking news in November 2021 she had stage four bowel cancer – the most advanced kind – which had spread to all eight segments of her liver. She told the PA news agency: “I ...
USD 3621.5 million in 2024 VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA, CANADA, January 24, 2025 /EINPresswire / -- Emergen Research's latest market research report, titled Global Hepatitis Diagnostic Test Market , ...
Lung cancer liver metastases are tumors that form in the liver from cancer cells that have broken away from the primary cancer and spread through the blood or lymphatic system. The liver is a common ...
A WOMAN is cancer-free after undergoing the UK’s first liver transplant for advanced bowel cancer. Bianca Perea, 32, was given the surgery in the hope it could offer a potential cure for her ...
Your liver is the largest internal organ in your body -- and has a bunch of important jobs to do. It filters out dangerous chemicals, helps break down the food you eat, and builds proteins that ...
After tests, a colonoscopy and a biopsy, she was diagnosed with stage four bowel cancer, which had spread to all eight segments of her liver. Ms Perea accepted the diagnosis, but said she refused ...
It's not something you probably think much about, but your liver is a key player in your body's digestive system. Nutrients you eat or drink, as well as medicines, passes through it. You need to ...
After being referred to hospital for tests, she was given the devastating news in November 2021 that she had stage four bowel cancer, which had spread to all eight segments of her liver.
A CT scan revealed a large solid-cystic mass lesion measuring 9.5×10.7×12.1 cm, involving the body and tail of the pancreas. Additionally, well-defined hypodense lesions in the liver, localised to ...