British comedian Ricky Gervais is saying farewell to a beloved co-star. The German Shepherd dog, named Vislor Antilly, or Anti, played 'Brandy' in the hit Netflix show After Life for all three seasons ...
Melissa Nicholson, a 52-year-old pre-K teacher and the owner of Prissy & Pop’s Helping Hooves animal sanctuary in Taylor, Fla., has built a major social media following (1.2 million and counting) for ...
In an outdoor cat’s mind, every backyard is like the Amazon. Every tree is a perch for seeking prey, and every critter is to be stalked. As they prowl about with their sleek moves, they get to play ...
The fans in attendance at Tampa Bay Downs were treated to a show in addition to live racing as the pair of featured seven-furlong 3-year-old stakes provided plenty of drama and theatrics Jan. 11.
If your nights are punctuated by the sudden screams of your formerly peaceful little babe, here’s why it might be happening — and what you can do about it. If your baby is under 4 months old ...
The award-winning actress looked stylish dressed in an off-the-shoulder little black dress, and was beaming with pride as she posed for the photo with her loved ones. Recommended videoYou may ...
I especially love it when little girls have ‘Sassy-Passi Parties ... Shalini Passi with her pet Boston Shalini’s pug Boston is a perfect poser! Shalini Passi’s 13-year-old pet dog Boston ...
Their dog Dekopin (a.k.a. "Decoy") was also featured in the picture with the baby items. “Can’t wait for the little rookie to join our family soon,” he captioned the post, which attracted a ...
“Can’t wait for the little rookie to join our family soon!” Ohtani, 30, wrote in a post on Instagram, along with a picture of baby clothes, an ultrasound and the couple’s dog, Dekopi ...