As well as helping to reduce stress, purifying the air and sharpening focus, plants make excellent additions to indoor spaces with their glossy greenery brightening up corners and shelves. Whether you ...
This is the time of year to give the plants we already own a bit of love. One of those acts of love is repotting plants. Plants do not need to be repotted until roots are protruding from the holes ...
House plants used to be something people simply remembered to water - but now they are considered 'family members'. As many as one in seven people have a 'highly connected' relationship with their ...
Houseplants can brighten your living space and add a touch of nature indoors, but some popular plants may pose serious risks to your pets. Many of the most common houseplants are toxic, and even a ...
Lively Root has an entire section on gifting, giving you plant recommendations based on occasions and recipients and the ability to view a list of plants best suited to the city your giftee ...
Mr Hunt said it is vital for houseplants to get enough water. Dry plants can lead to wilting, stunted growth and death. Leigh Hunt said: "Like all houseplants one of the key things is getting the ...