On December 20, 2024, Netflix India revealed the release date with an exciting teaser. The short video, featuring Kartik Aaryan as the quirky ghostbuster Ruhaan “Rooh Baba” Randhawa, shows him running ...
Earthquake today: A 3.5 magnitude quake struck Haryana on Wednesday. According to reports, there were tremors felt in Delhi-NCR region. The epi-centre of the earthquake was Sonipat, Haryana.
You know how many antennas we have in a device like that? WiFi, Bluetooth, 600 MHz, 700 MHz, 900 MHz, 12.5, 3.5 — more than six antennas. If they can put six antennas in a cellphone, can’t they get ...
He's taking 10.2 3-pointers per game this season, up 3.5 from a season ago, but he's taking 1.8 fewer shots in the paint per game. There are roster circumstances dictating that trend, but fans ...
Consumer spending, which accounts for about two-thirds of U.S. economic activity, expanded at a 3.7% pace, fastest since the first quarter of 2023 and an uptick from Commerce’s previous third-quarter ...