Journey to a distant future, where the land is made of LEGO bricks and lush nature has reclaimed the Earth. Meet the Nora tribe who live in the settlement of Mother’s Heart, and catch your first ...
On this page of the LEGO Skywalker Saga game guide, you will find out when your progress is saved. In addition, we have included information on whether you can save the game manually. Saving your ...
Here's a comprehensive round-up of the best Lego Star Wars helmets out there ahead of the holidays. And remember: build or build not, there is no try. There have been 11 Lego Star Wars helmets ...
As for the games included, they are as follows: LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga, LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean The Video Game, LEGO Indiana Jones: The Original Adventures, LEGO Indiana Jones 2 ...