In the wake of devastating wildfires in Los Angeles that struck at the heart of the movie industry, the nominations for the 97th Academy Awards are going forward Thursday morning after a ...
What Did Lego Announce? Everyone’s favorite toy company, Lego, announced its newest edition — Twilight: The Cullen House. Excuse us as we take a moment to catch our breath fro ...
The Dark Knight and LEGO are the sort of odd couple pairing that shouldn't work on paper, but are brilliant in practice. The moodiness and psychological torment of the source material, and the ...
Repurposing old Christmas ornaments or other decorations isn't always easy — especially ones that are very specific to the holiday. However, one clever upgrade gives you a way to reuse a Dollar Tree ...
An Ashes of Creation YouTube creator lashed out at the game, but the game's director offered a detailed response to the matter over social media (Image via Intrepid Studios) Ashes of Creation, a ...
As strange as it may sound, this month's new DC Lego sets includes the first Superman building kit in more than a decade. Superman Mech vs. Lex Luthor, which is exactly what it sounds like ...