A devastating accident on Tuesday, December 17, on Cuba's National Highway resulted in a man losing his leg following a collision between a passenger bus and a truck. The crash occurred in the section ...
Several vehicles were gutted, eight people lost their lives and close to 40 people have been seriously injured. CCTV footage capturing the exact moments after the Jaipur Collision has emerged on the ...
The coroner recorded a verdict of 'accident' at the inquest into Carter Walsh's death, held at Bolton Coroner's Court on Friday. The horrific accident occurred at the toddler's home in Fisher Close, ...
"He was a happy, well looked after child. This is a tragic accident. He was well supported and loved. This was just a tragic accident." The inquest was told workmen were at the home at the time ...
Traffic rules are often overlooked by young drivers, leading to dangerous consequences. Instances of reckless driving, such as racing on two- or four-wheelers while ignoring speed limits, have been ...
Boat drivers who rushed to help victims of the ferry accident near Mumbai were shocked by the chaos at the scene. They described hearing people screaming and crying for help, calling it one of the ...
A dramatic accident occurred in the US state of Texas when a freight train struck a semi-truck that had ... A dramatic accident occurred in the US state of Texas when a freight train struck a ...
Mumbai: The drivers of a couple of boats who were among the first to reach the site of the accident between a ferry and a Navy craft off the Mumbai coast said they never witnessed such a horrific ...
Mumbai: The drivers of a couple of boats who were among the first to reach the site of the accident between a ferry and a Navy craft off the Mumbai coast said they never witnessed such a horrific ...
Bitcoin’s (BTC) price correction continued on Dec. 19, creating BTC’s largest daily chart drawdown in Q4 and the steepest decline since Aug. 5. While the crypto asset briefly reclaimed a ...