we’ve seen the ESP32 powering a LEGO tank, for instance. If you need a bit more computing power, there’s even an official LEGO Raspberry Pi HAT.
[Simone Giertz]’s three-legged pup, [Scraps], got the chance to try a LEGO Technic board for her thrills. This electric LEGO skateboard features six motors and paw pedals to let [Scraps] steer ...
Released in June 2021, the Lego Art World Map contains 11,695 pieces, making it the biggest Lego set ever made. Much more a piece of home decor than a typical model or plaything, it’s over one meter ...
We've rounded up 12 of the best Lego deals from around the web, covering our favorite space, Star Wars and Marvel-themed Lego on the shelves. It might not be Black Friday anymore but there are ...
For a very broad sweep of fans, the Lego Space Command Center, and the rest of the nostalgia-inducing classic ‘Space’ line, capture the very heart of what Lego is. Launched in 1978, its visual styling ...
Whether you're looking for a fun lunar play set for kids or a realistic NASA model, you'll find it in our round-up of the best Lego space sets. From realistic scale models of NASA rockets to lunar ...
How does jealousy snuff out creativity? A stop-motion film written and directed by Ainslie Henderson (previously) follows three furry, felted creatures struggling with each other’s success. “Shackle” ...
Image Credit: Buena Vista Pictures Distribution. Wait. There are more titles in the stop-motion Christmas canon than just the cheery, fuzzy-filtered Rankin/Bass productions we guarantee you’ve ...
GameSpot may get a commission from retail offers. Lego Fortnite is expanding in a big way this week. Not only are we getting a new Lego Pass with piles of new content for the existing Lego ...
We've found the best Lego deals on sets from popular ranges including Marvel, Technic, Disney, Star Wars and Harry Potter — as well as adult sets, and own-brand lines such as City and Creator. We go ...
What are the best tank games on PC? Rolling into battle in a vehicle that weighs the same as ten elephants and can raze entire buildings with a single shot never gets old, but finding a tank game ...
Approximately 1 million taxpayers will automatically receive special payments of up to $1,400 from the IRS in the coming weeks. The IRS said it's distributing about $2.4 billion to taxpayers who ...