Follow KT on WhatsApp Channels. To add to the sensory overload, the room was also filled with a blend of disorienting lights and overpowering scents, further heightening my confusion. On the ...
MUNICH – Spent cigarettes dotted the concrete floor inside Allianz Arena’s lower stands around 2 p.m. on Friday. The ashes were left behind by Bayern Munich fans, who had watched their team outlast SL ...
It consists of a series of LED lights that can be illuminated ... and it remains to be seen if it's something you would want to use to light up your room. That said, it's a neat way to add more ...
And, with a new fabric mesh design covering the speakers, the Z95B features a suave and understated new look that should suit more living room environments. Moving onto the W95B, this is Panasonic's ...