In both the original Sonic the Hedgehog games and the subsequent film franchise adapting them for the big screen, Knuckles has been established as being one of the last of his people in the universe.
So, Shadow wasn't the first one to swear in a Sonic game, it was actually Knuckles. To be honest, here in the UK most of us wouldn't even consider "damn" or "crap" swear words, but maybe we're all ...
This bundle also includes 12 Sonic Game Gear titles, previously released add-on content, playable Knuckles in Sonic CD, and for the first time ever, Amy Rose as a playable character in Sonic the ...
"I mean the production speaks for itself, too." CBS even featured the video game-turned-movie characters of Sonic and Knuckles in a video featured Tuesday on social media to preview the Lions ...