An easy way to get rid of unwanted stuff is simply take it to another place that will either directly give it to someone in ...
Today, many teen relationships occur online and in video gaming, creating new risks. Here are three ways that parents can ...
Community leaders say the time to help immigrant youth is before the start using opioids. Urban Village and the Karen Organization of Minnesota are investing in mentors, homework help and cultural ...
You know a sensitive topic will come up over the holidays. Here are 20 Christmas debates along with the most popular answer.
Health officials caution against giving lottery tickets to children during the holidays due to potential gambling addiction ...
Amazon is the ultimate destination for all your gift shopping. We rounded up our favorite top-rated Amazon holiday gifts ...
Three people were killed, including the shooter, and six more physically injured. But the trauma, we know, reverberates far ...
Portland, Ore. — Inside a big building in Southeast Portland, holiday wishes are coming true, thanks to Project 48. Everyone ...
• Teen Craft Night- Mandala Mug 6-7:30 p.m. Dec. 23. Those ages 11-18 can make a mandala mug. We’ll provide everything to ...
With a bouncy verse and whimsical illustrations, “ Challah for Shabbat Tonight ” (Workman Publishing, $18.99) is a joyous ...