The Pokémon series is known for its iconic Pokémon through the years, and Gold, Silver, and Crystal have some winners, like ...
Pokémon Johto! It’s true, we do all live in a Pokémon world ... After finally exploring Paldea for ourselves we have fallen in love with the region, and the Pokemon Professors Sada and Turo, depending ...
No matter where you turn in the Johto region, we can guarantee there’s a fantastic ‘mon waiting for you ... and Ho-Oh is the Pokémon Ash sees at the end of the very first episode of Pokémon. There you ...
Pokemon Trading Card Game Pocket’s second expansion, Mythical Island, will be released next week. The set will include the ...
Here are the nine regions of Pokémon explained. It was previously revealed in Pokémon Gold & Silver that players can cross from the Johto region back into the Kanto region after defeating the ...
The second expansion for the popular mobile title will add around 80 new cards for players to discover, with many from the Johto region. Limited trading is expected to be added to Pokemon TCG ...
(Do-do-do-do-do-do) (Do-do-do-do-do-do) Pokémon Johto (Do-do-do-do-do-do) (Do-do-do-do-do-do) Everybody wants to be a mas-ter Everybody wants to show their skills Everybody wants to get there fas-ter ...
Pokemon TCG Pocket Mythical Island is the latest booster pack coming to the game, bringing a series of new creatures to the portable card game.