Lennon once said that he felt the Fab Four had to fabricate themselves a bit in order to "leave Liverpool." Find out why, ...
John Lennon and Yoko Ono's “Happy XMas (War Is Over)” climbs on three Billboard charts this frame, bringing Gimme Some Truth.
Three years before writing his political anthem “Gimme Some Truth,” John Lennon had a stark warning for the public about politicians when he was interviewed at The National Theatre in 1968 ...
John Lennon was never afriad to speak openly about his former band once they split, but before that, he felt they all compromised on their truth.
John Lennon’s son, Sean, recently shared the meaning behind his father’s solo album Mind Games. The album, released during a challenging time for John Lennon and Yoko Ono, reflected the struggles they ...
But Lennon had sympathy for the man in the Ibrox hot seat - as he shifted the blame on the struggling Gers stars: "I am ...
John Lennon and Paul McCartney both score top 10 hits on the same Billboard chart at the same time, which is a relatively ...
Musician Sean Ono Lennon weighed in on criticism directed at billionaire Musk, prompting heated exchanges with social media ...
The musician was forced to buy his dad's letters back with the money he received as part of a settlement after suing his dad's estate ...
“This stewardess had to handcuff him to the chair because he was trying to attack me," the actress recalls The post Pamela Anderson Says a Man Nearly Killed Her After Mistaking Her for a Member of The ...