Both the Kodoku no Gourmet live-action series and original manga follow a solitary salesman named Gorō Inagashira as he ...
On her way to catch a foreign flick in Beijing, Jane Yao bought a cinnamon roll, had ramen, visited a bookshop, and dropped ...
The television series will then arrive later this year to introduce a new Gundam universe to the world. As anime fans know, Hideaki Anno is responsible for the Neon Genesis Evangelion franchise, the ...
There have been several versions of Ramayana, however, many of us still cherish the iconic animated adaptation of the epic ...
Leveraging the success of foreign films will still be an uphill battle for China. Read more at
There are seven women who remain on the list of 33 hostages expected to be released from Hamas captivity in the first phase of the hostage deal. Information ...