Intel has announced the new Core Ultra 200HX and 200H laptop chips here at CES 2025. The HX parts are the most interesting to PC gamers, as the chips most likely to power your next gaming laptop, so ...
I ntel is announcing the rest of the Arrow Lake family of CPUs at CES today, with options for thin-and-light laptops all the way up to gaming notebooks. These mobile processors wi ...
Intel has announced the new Core Ultra 200HX ... We'll probably see a wide mix of chips in the next-generation of gaming laptops, between these new HX Series, H Series, V Series, and then AMD's ...
AMD chips abound in gaming laptops this year at CES. I chatted with AMD's Chief Architect of Gaming Solutions about the organization's overall strategy.
The latest processors in the company's Core portfolio range from the Core 3 for lighter tasks to the beefier Core Ultra 200H, a part of Intel's new Core Ultra Series 2 lineup. Here's the full list of ...