All it takes is some fridge space, salt, and spices. The responsibility of cooking a turkey comes with a lot of decisions. Every year, I find myself asking questions like, what size of bird should ...
A juicy, flavorful turkey starts with the right preparation—and our favorite recipe requires us to start the thawing and prep on Monday. Whether you prefer wet brining or dry brining, and ...
Butter can transform your turkey from ho-hum to dazzling. Here's how to use it to get the crispiest and most flavorful turkey ...
Cover the turkey completely with the muslin and roast in a preheated moderate oven, for 2 ¾ -3 ¼ hours. There is no need to baste it because of the butter-soaked muslin. The turkey browns ...
Henry VIII is said to have been the first British king to feast on roast turkey, but Edward VII made it a festive fashion, and since the 1950s it’s been at the heart of the traditional family ...
But first, there’s a crucial step towards a moist and delicious turkey that I suspect gets overlooked by cooks everywhere, and that’s bringing the bird to room temperature before roasting.
I approached my first multiple bird roast - otherwise known as a turducken - with an open mind. The turducken is an ingenious combination of turkey, duck and chicken, all cooked together as one.