The grey market premium on Parmeshwar Metal IPO stood at Rs 40 as per the latest update on Jan 7. Shares of the company are likely to debut at Rs 101, marking a premium of 65.57% over the price band.
Use both the heater and air conditioning: the warm air helps melt the ice, while the AC dehumidifies ... carefully use a plastic scraper to remove it. Avoid metal scrapers, as they could damage ...
Evocative names, but unfortunately these snappy brand names are pretty much all you have to go on when choosing an ice melt. Which is best? Will it damage the concrete? Will it harm your plants ...
They’re also shrinking. The ocean melts ice shelves from below – a process known as “basal melting”. Increased basal melting has led to the thinning and retreat of the ice sheet in some ...