When we were in school, every description of how transistors work was pretty dry and had a lot of math involved. We suppose you might have had a great instructor who was able to explain things ...
Understanding these operations is key to understanding how transistors work and contribute to the complex world of electronics. The source acts as the emitter filament of an electron tube; the drain ...
The devices were poor by today’s standards, and while transistors would work at audio frequencies for hearing aids, getting them to work at AM radio frequencies was a challenge. The Sony ...
The transistors being made by Bell just didn't work the same way twice, and on top of that, they were noisy. While one lab at Bell was trying to improve those first type-A transistors, William ...
The idea of an optical transistor — and the associated optical logic circuits that may follow — conjures images of light controlling light in some sparkling, transparent computer. This dream ...
That transistor, a junction transistor ... he kept Bardeen and Brattain as far removed from the work as possible. Bardeen would soon describe the situation as "intolerable." ...
CMOS technology combines two types of transistors that work together, leading to efficient power use and high noise immunity. CMOS technology uses two different types of transistors, n-type (nMOS) and ...
By tweaking the materials used in organic material-based logic switches called transistors ... memory systems that mimic the way human brains work. Their results appear in Advanced Functional ...
What is claimed to be the industry’s first 1,700V GaN transistor has been announced. Steve Bush interviews Andy Smith, ...