While most snake plant pests can be treated naturally ... Some common synthetic pesticides to explore include Bonide Systemic House Plant Insect Control and Garden Safe Houseplant and Garden ...
Plants can offer more than decorative appeal, and there is a £22 one that can purify the air in your home. Snake Plants are hardy, low-maintenance houseplants that can tolerate occasional neglect.
It's not even fussy about humidity like some tropical houseplants are. Its main weaknesses involve aphids, spider mites, and other pests. Inspect your ZZ plant regularly to spot pest problems before ...
A college student told me that she loves her snake plant. Snake plant, Dracaena trifasciata, is a houseplant that’s easy to grow. Other common names are bowstring hemp (fibrous leaves ...
This is the time of year to give the plants we already own a bit of love. One of those acts of love is repotting plants. Plants do not need to be repotted until roots are protruding from the holes ...