Actor Jaideep Ahlawat shared a gratitude note on social media after Amul gave a shout-out to his character from his latest release, Paatal Lok Season 2. The actor plays the role of Hathi Ram Chaudhary ...
With New Year’s resolutions starting to fall by the wayside, a very good way to do better financially this year is to practise gratitude. Psychologists, neuroscientists and mental health ...
"Ces Molina, Marivic Meneses, and Avior Talent Management extend their heartfelt gratitude to the Cignal HD Spikers management for the unwavering support and opportunities provided to Frances Xinia ...
5. "I'm filled with adrenaline, but my heart is full of gratitude," she continued. After speaking more about how much the award meant to her and praising her costars, Saldaña, 46, shouted out her ...
While it may be difficult to practice gratitude if you have depression, it may help reduce symptoms. Practicing gratitude has other health benefits, such as increasing optimism and improving sleep ...