Students studying Anthropology and Spanish gain an understanding of socio-cultural differences and similarities and how they arise, are transmitted and develop. You acquire knowledge and understanding ...
In addition to developing linguistic proficiency in French, students on the Anthropology and French degree learn to critically reflect on identity, culture and society. In Anthropology, they examine ...
The Anthropology faculty in the Department of Comparative Cultural Studies offers a Master of Arts degree, with a focus on cultural anthropology. The program is a thesis-driven combination of advanced ...
Social anthropology is the subdiscipline of anthropology that investigates the cultural properties of human societies. Topics include cultural norms, morals, laws and customs, and there is a ...
Anthropological studies in Britain grew up in the context of European, and especially British colonialism as a part of the colonial situation. Anthropologists for the most part did not question the ...
Tailor the programme to fit your interests with an array of optional course units. Learn how to read ethnography and question taken-for-granted assumptions about human nature from an anthropological ...
Ming Li is a graphics reporter at The Wall Street Journal in New York, where she tells stories using data and visualization. Before coming to the Journal she was a data and graphics reporter for ...
The polarity, however, is not simply between these two. The sociological theories of Simmel and Mannheim, for instance, may be placed close to the ‘Weberian’ pole, those of structural-functionalism in ...