The Mumbai Police identified a 30-year-old man named Mohammad Shariful Islam Shehzad as the accused in the Saif Ali Khan stabbing case and arrested him in Thane on Sunday. As the visuals from the ...
Police are appealing for information after a break-in at a hair salon in North Yorkshire. The incident happened at Toni and Guy in Harrogate at about 7.45pm last night (Wednesday, January 15).
Missing Shuefaub Xiong, from Apple Valley, MN: Shuefaub, a Domino's pizza delivery driver, was reported missing after failing to deliver several pizzas. He arrived for his shift on Tuesday, January 14 ...
Orton has protected the community of Boise and the Boise State football team for over two decades. He says it's bittersweet to go, but it's time to pass the torch.