Mariel Tharp took this photo of an American Kestrel (Falco sparverius) that was hovering in the air in the Valley.
This week GW is bringing out the new goodies for the Craftworlders, with the brand new set of plastic kits for the Aeldari, ...
The Spear is another solid early-game weapon that falls off a bit once you start getting to the harder content. If you want ...
Next week, the Aeldari bring their foresight, hubris, and shuriken cannon to the grim darkness of the distant future.
BLAST官方选不了本次BLAST Slam S2的十只参赛队伍,其中中国战队XG和YB受邀参赛,本次BLAST Slam S2将承接裂变天地S1赛季,于2月3日开赛,十支战队将前往丹麦哥本哈根的BLAST线下演播厅争夺100万美元的奖金。 官方内容: BLAST Slam ...