There are some smart moves you can make to put yourself in a position to have a financially secure retirement. Opening an IRA is one example, and maintaining an age-appropriate asset allocation in ...
A thank-you note can be a card or a letter. If the note is sent by mail, the salutation on the envelope, if formal, for example, is The Reverend John T. Doe, with the address. It is also acceptable to ...
Many 401(k) plans and other retirement programs have employer matching contributions. While the majority of people take advantage of them, not everyone does. Not using the full employer match is ...
Baby Boomer workers has less than $50,000 saved for retirement. Here are a dozen things you can do to help shore up your savings.
With a short thank-you note, you can tune your systemic transactional emails so they would be meaningful and create additional value to your brand. The Main Benefits Of Setting Up A Thank-You Email ...
Take a page from the pros and hand-write your thank-you notes this year. (Getty) Most of us rarely put pen to paper anymore. But that's what makes handwritten cards so special — and why it's so ...
Most workers approaching their retirement ... you’re retired. ForbesHow To Practice Coast FIRE, A Retire-Early StrategyBy Steve Vernon There are other ways to make work more enjoyable. For ...
My expectations for an easy, happy retirement were quickly squashed ... This means continuing in a modified way what you have always done. For example, someone whose field was gerontology might ...
As your retirement ... you put in your retirement account so that you can end up with an even bigger nest egg. If you have $100,000 now and are saving $100 per month at age 40, for example ...