The Lion King franchise includes various films, with more planned, such as "Black Is King" and "Simba's Pride." "The Lion King 1 1/2" is an unconventional side-quel focusing on Timon and Pumbaa's ...
Mufasa: The Lion King serves as both a prequel and a sequel to the successful live-action adaptation of The Lion King (2019) Mufasa: The Lion King premiered a few days ago in theaters, attracting ...
Mufasa: The Lion King continues the iconic The Lion King franchise in the photo-realistic live-action format. This Disney Holiday blockbuster serves as the origin tale of Mufasa. It follows his ...
Mufasa: The Lion King has recovered from a sluggish start to gross more than $340 million at the box office to date, but you might be one of those waiting to see the Lion King prequel at home.