A visit to Japan’s famed Nara Deer Park took an unexpected turn when a deer knocked over a young child, sparking widespread discussions about parenting and safety in wildlife-rich areas. The now-viral ...
As an animal control officer for the town of Middleborough, he is the guy who gets called in whenever someone crashes into a deer on a town roadway. Sometimes, the drivers are frustrated because ...
On Christmas Day, a festive outing at Disney World turned tumultuous when Pirates of the Caribbean, one of the park’s most beloved attractions, broke down, leaving guests stranded in boats for ...
A doe "hanging on for deer life" was rescued a from Dublin mountains water tank by Dublin Fire Brigade firefighters. Firefighters from D Watch in Rathfarnham were called to help rescue the animal ...
Chronic wasting disease (CWD), has been spreading in the state's deer population over the past decade. MDC added nearly 20 counties to its "CWD Management Zone" over the past year. Improper ...