In 2019, Carol Pfaff-Rauch became the manager of Baldwin's Book Barn in West Chester, PA. "There's five floors and 25,000 square feet and over 300,000 books," says Pfaff-Rauch. "We're pretty big." ...
On Oct. 17, SwissLane Dairy Farms has scheduled a day to Celebrate the Centennial! The event will include hayrack rides, a straw maze and of course cake. This isn’t the first time the family farm has ...
“I heard the roar,” says Dick Wetzel, who owns the 600-cow dairy. The tornado that hit his dairy leveled the freestall barn where cows were housed. No people were hurt and damage to the cows is ...
Pfeifer Dairy calf barn The calf and heifer barn, the newest of facilities at Pfeifer Dairy, in Bucyrus, Ohio, was completed in early 2016 and can house over 250 head.
Howells went door to door introducing herself to every neighbor for blocks around — the barn became a local gathering spot. She started by inviting folks to a barn dance. “One time we had 77 ...