The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is demanding increased, in-your-face food transparency when it comes to nutrition ...
The FDA proposes front-of-package nutrition labels to help consumers quickly identify levels of saturated fat, sodium, and ...
Front-of-package labels have spurred companies in other countries to cut sugars and salt. The FDA wants to follow suit here.
Reducing portion sizes is an effective way to cut back on sugar.
Labels on wine, distilled spirits and malt beverages in the U.S. would be required to list alcohol content and nutritional ...
For the first time, the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau proposed rules that would bring alcohol labels closer in ...
The new labels proposed by the FDA would be called nutrition info box and would be placed on the front of packaged food items ...
The Certified Naturally Grown label could be more accessible for farmers, but can it actually land with consumers?
Front-of-package labeling has the potential to be ‘as iconic as the Nutrition Facts label’, says the FDA, as it launches its ...
Nutrition labelling in the EU vs. the United States When you pick up a box of cookies in the European Union, the label might feel like it’s giving you a full confession. Bold warning symbols, ...