Wednesday's auction follows an increasing trend for the sale of dinosaur remains ... Apex is said to be "among the most complete skeletons ever found," according to the auction house.
To date, with an excavation expected to be complete next year ... places around the world where the discovery and sale of dinosaur bones is legal, Petrozzo added. Many fossil-rich countries ...
Whoever buys the dinosaur will also receive the GPS details of where it was unearthed and the excavation plan. The adult skeleton is more than 80 per cent complete and is around 150 million years old.
Apex,' one of the most complete stegosaurus fossils ever found, is on display at the American Museum of Natural History.
Earlier this year, a fossilized stegosaurus skeleton (nicknamed “Apex ... to see it. The sale of dinosaur fossils has been a topic of controversy in the past. “There has been an ongoing ...
LONDON (WKRC/APTN/CBS Newspath) - Three dinosaur skeletons, including a stegosaurus and a pair of allosauruses, were set to be auctioned at Christie’s in London this December. These prehistoric ...
Not one, not two, but three rare dinosaur ... sale titled Jurassic Icons: Allosaurus and Stegosaurus that featured a pair of allosaurus fossils—one juvenile and one adult—as well as the ...
In July, billionaire hedge fund manager Ken Griffin paid $45 million to own a dinosaur ... After excavation is complete, the bones will be brought to New York to be showcased at a Rally brick ...
through an auction or private sale, with the shareholders divvying up the proceeds. The demand for dinosaur skeletons has been growing in recent years, with prominent specimens at auctions going ...