Powered by a quad-core Raspberry Pi, the robot is programmable, allowing users to create unique applications and expand its ...
Roughly 130 rescue cats reside at the cat sanctuary Purradise Springs in Fort White, Fla. When not cohabitating in the Purrts ...
Cat owners have shared their furry friends' toxic traits - and some of the tales are bound to make you chuckle if you've ever ...
Cats are known for their quirky behaviour and owners have been sharing the one thing their pet does that drives them up the ...
A tiny one-eyed rescue kitten with an adorably scrunchy face has found a new home alongside his brother and their new rescue cat pals.
People on Reddit shared what their pet cat's toxic trait is - and others found on the forum some of them relatable.
Benny was four times smaller than his brother Teddy - and both have now been re-homed by cat lovers. | ITV News Anglia ...
While nobody knows exactly why cats like to sleep on your feet, it’s likely to be a combination of reasons. The warmth, the ...
An extraordinary tale from the Met Police archives reveals how a sadistic teenager was able to murder at least five children ...
Even though dogs and humans are both adapted to fasting, a small animal like the cat is not. If your cat stops eating, some ...
From a cat sitting in his bed to a South Side deli shop that's been around since 1902. Here's what caught Suzanne Le Mignot ...