Animated series inspired by the classic Looney Tunes shorts. Bugs Bunny is in Ireland, Marvin the Martian tries to plant his flag once more, and Porky Pig is trapped.
Chamberlin Free Public Library, 46 Main St. in Greenville, will host “Saturday Morning Cartoons: Bugs Bunny, Bullwinkle, and Big Business in the 1960s” on Thursday, Jan. 23, at 7 p.m.
While announcing the album, Bad Bunny shared a short snippet of Puerto Rican film director Jacobo Morales reflecting on his life with a cartoon frog named “Concho”, voiced by Kenneth Canales.
Givens' first role, in 1937, was at Disney where he worked on Donald Duck and Snow White cartoons. He joined Warner Bros in 1940 where he became famous for his work on the Bugs Bunny character.
Thirty-five years ago, the American conductor co-created Bugs Bunny on Broadway. It was a way to combine his deep childhood love of Looney Tunes cartoons with symphony orchestra music. Its ...