MIT research uncovers boiling's potential, driving advances in energy, cooling, and safety, with applications from power plants to space propulsion.
His inspiration: bubble baths (pronounced “bāths” or “băths”– your choice). Bubbles are governed by the laws of fluid dynamics, the branch of physics related to the behaviour of ...
Active bubbles hold potential in fields ranging from water purification to medicine. Researchers can generate microbubbles by ...
A research team found a key indicator for the chemical activity of acoustic microbubbles and a correlation between the temperature of a liquid and that of the microbubbles generated.
But one particularly cool and far more demonstrable mystery revolves around something you probably see just about every day of your life; bubbles. In 1934, scientists at the University of Cologne ...
Named Charlotte, the animal was hit by a boat years ago, causing him to develop an affliction that traps air bubbles at the ...
Finding a bubble of hot gas blown by the stellar wind from a young star gives researchers a peek at what our sun was like when it was young.