The Kapuso gag show announced on social media, Thursday, that it will be adding an extra five minutes to the show for more fun and laughter. "Bubble Gang" is known as the country's longest-running gag ...
Aleah Liebenau struck campy gold after finding a copy of the ’80s board game Heart-throb: The Dream Date Game at a thrift shop 15 years ago. As with so many ironic purchases, the game turned ...
"So we have the collision of greed and hatred right in front of us and that’s at the heart of Trumpism, of MAGAism. It’s always been greed, always been selfish, it’s always been hatred and ...
Northern Sunrise County and Nampa areas, get ready for a Frosty Family Fun Day that is sure to please all ages! Family and Community Support Services is hosting a Frosty Family Fun Day on Jan.
We got a closer look at the Interactive Mickey’s Toontown bubble maker available at Disneyland Park. It was released in March but has rarely been in stock. We found the often-sold-out bubbler maker at ...
If you have a heart condition, you can fly safely as a passenger on an airplane, but you need to be aware of your risks and take necessary precautions. Heart conditions that can lead to health ...
Physician-scientists found that a subset of artificial heart patients can regenerate heart muscle, which may open the door to new ways to treat and perhaps someday cure heart failure. A research ...
#wof #wheelofFortune," a third user wrote. This isn't the first time a contestant has caused fans on social media to poke fun at a wrong answer. In November, Will Jordan, a veteran police officer ...
Jets quarterback Aaron Rodgers appeared to poke fun at Johnson's sons while discussing his uncertain future with the Jets during an appearance on The Pat McAfee Show on Monday. "I've never been ...
Formlabs A green sea turtle named Charlotte is getting a second chance at swimming normally thanks to a 3D-printed harness meant to address his “bubble butt syndrome.” After the turtle spent ...