Our cognition and mental well-being are crucial factors for our quality of life and put us in a good position to contribute ...
The Memory Wave is an advanced science-backed healing program that was created by an MIT-trained neuroscientist and is ...
Embracing these simple strategies to prioritise our brain health and wellbeing is essential for a happier and more fulfilling ...
In conclusion, cognitive exercises such as problem-solving games, learning new skills, social interaction, and even physical ...
New research suggests that increasing physical fitness will improve language comprehension in older adults, but only if they ...
Disrupted sleep and sleep loss interferes with the brain's ability to filter out bad memories, which could contribute to a ...
Regular aerobic exercises like walking or swimming can increase the size of your hippocampus by up to 2%. This growth ...
Be it going back to driving or solving crossword puzzles, many hobbies and activities can help lower risks of dementia or ...
The MIND (Mediterranean-DASH Intervention for Neurodegenerative Delay) diet is a combination of the Mediterranean and DASH ...
This article provides a list of five simple exercises to stimulate and strengthen your inferior colliculus's response to ...
Research from UC Santa Barbara finds that short, intense workouts under 30 minutes enhance cognitive functions like executive ...