Interstitial cystitis or bladder pain syndrome comes with pain ... sexually transmitted diseases, and kidney stones. In women and people AFAB, endometriosis is another possibility.
Also known as interstitial cystitis (IC), painful bladder syndrome (PBS) describes a chronic bladder health condition. It can cause people to experience pelvic pain and difficulty peeing.
If you suffer from interstitial cystitis (IC)-a chronic inflammatory disorder of the bladder-you know the discomfort can be intense. So much so, the condition has another moniker: bladder pain ...
This kind of eye injury can lead to vision problems and an increased risk of eye diseases like pigmentary maculopathy ... Elmiron is not a cure for interstitial cystitis (IC). Currently, palliative ...
I’m interested in consuming dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO). I’ve read it will destroy the root of cancer and hasten the healing of broken bones, ligaments and strained muscles. My ...
WE all know that the colour of our pee is a great indicator of how hydrated we are. If we’re dehydrated, urine tends to be darker, while staying well-hydrated keeps it lighter. But there are ...
When it comes to bladder cancer, early diagnosis and early care is key ... Your tax-deductible gift will help support the millions of patients who are faced with urologic disease. Together, we care.
Importantly, not all abnormal swimming behaviours or buoyancy problems are due to a defective swim bladder. Some infectious diseases caused by certain bacteria, viruses and even some parasites, or ...